Focus on Children

Children are VIPs at High Prairie! We have a number of programs and

classes for the kids and youth who come to church here. 



We have a comfortable place next to the sanctuary where babies and toddlers can stay during the Sunday service. 

The nursery has a window into the sanctuary area as well as a television tuned to the streaming feed of the service. Parents who are in the nursery with their children won't miss out on anything. 

Sunday School

Preschool through 4th grade, held in the hour before the Sunday service.

Lessons, music and activities teach Christian principles and help kids grow with Christ.


Prairie Kids Junior Church

Children age 4 to 4th grade meet downstairs during Sunday Service.

Junior Church includes music, solid Bible teaching, a snack, and games.

Teen Ministry

Middle and high school students

Sunday School

Meets in the hour before the Sunday service.

Exploring God’s truth from the Bible.

    - Sunday at 9:30 PM

Teen Club

Games, snacks, and world-class small group studies.

    - Sunday at 6:00 PM


Adult Groups

Young Adults

Sunday Morning Bible Study

Led by Pastor Vern, young adults meet to study and discuss lessons from Scripture before Sunday service. 

    - Sunday at 9:30 AM



Women's Sunday School Class

Ladies explore spiritual issues and lessons from the Bible.

    - Sunday at 9:30 AM, before the service

Women of the Word:

This group meet to discuss Wednesday morning's lesson. 

    - Wednesday at 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Monthly Ladies' Bible Study:

Women meet to study and discuss the Word, once a month on a Thursday. This group also supports church events and performs other ministries within the church. 

Workout, Waffles, and Worship

Ladies from 7th grade to adults.

    - Third Saturday of the month at 7:45 AM


Men’s Crossbearer Bible Study:

Men meet to study and discuss the Word.

    - Monday at 6:30 PM

Men's Monthly Prayer Breakfast

    - First Saturday of the month at 7:30 AM

All Adults

Sunday Evening Bible Study:

Adults meet to study and discuss lessons from Scripture. 

    - Sunday at 6:00 PM

Adult Sunday School:

Before the Sunday morning service, our adult Sunday School classes meet in Fellowship Hall

    - Sunday at 9:30 AM

Tabernacle Bible Study:

Adults meet in the Tabernacle to study and discuss lessons from Scripture. 

    - Sunday at 9:30 AM

Family Activities

Holiday whole-church dinners 

Ice cream social 

VBS picnic 

Children's Christmas Program 

And many more! 

Water Park Fun

Summer 2023

Visit to Carousel Museum

June 2017

All-Church Annual Picnic

September 2024

VBS Picnic

Summer 2022

Easter Sunday Breakfast

April 2024

Thanksgiving Dinner

November 2023

We Proudly Support. . .

In addition to collecting food for the Salvation Army every Sunday and fundraising events for local charities,

we also support the following missions: 

Group 4 (2)
Children's Fellowship of India
Naya Akola, India
John and Lisa Welkner
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Avant Ministries
The Light House
Kansas City, Missouri
Paul and Beth Wright
Mendoza, Argentina
Doug and Mona Wedel
Magog, Canada
Sparrow Women's Clinic
Leavenworth, Kansas
Paul and Wendy Scheele
Manhattan, Kansas
Brian and Jennifer Marsters
Michael and Martha Martens
Dallas, Texas

Greg and Shari Lewis
Glendale, Arizona

responsive map
Children's Fellowship of India
Naya Akola, India
John and Lisa Welkner
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Avant Ministries
The Light House
Kansas City, Missouri
Paul and Beth Wright
Mendoza, Argentina
Doug and Mona Wedel
Magog, Canada
Sparrow Women's Clinic
Leavenworth, Kansas
Paul and Wendy Scheele
Manhattan, Kansas
Brian and Jennifer Marsters
Michael and Martha Martens
Dallas, Texas

Greg and Shari Lewis
Glendale, Arizona

Avant Ministries
Kansas City, Missouri

Today, there are still many places in the world that are unreached and have no church. Avant's vision is to make a difference in time for eternity by rapidly planting and developing churches where none exist.

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Children’s Fellowship of India

North East, Maryland

Based in Maryland but serving in India, Children's Fellowship of India is an orphanage for abandoned children in the village of Naya Akola, India. We seek to give opportunities to children that would otherwise have no chance of survival.

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Greg & Shari Lewis
Glendale, Arizona

United Indian Missions International establishes and strengthens churches among Native, Mexican, Hispanic and Cuban communities of North America, built on the Scriptures and functioning within their cultural orientation.

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The Light House
Kansas City, Missouri

The LIGHT House Maternity Home provides safe housing and an array of supportive services to pregnant adolescents and young adults. Their staff provides a loving and friendly environment for the young women who come to live there, and each client is made to feel comfortable.

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Michael & Martha Martens
Dallas, Texas

Michael & Martha are missionaries with Wycliff Bible Translators. Both worked with the Uma people in Indonesia to translate the New Testament, which was published in 1996. Since 2003, Michael & Martha have been based in Dallas, Texas. Martha works in Wycliffe's office there. Michael makes several trips each year overseas to work as a consultant and trainer for Bible translation teams.

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Brian & Jennifer Marsters
Mesquite, Texas

Since 2001, the Masters have served as missionaries with Camino Global in Dallas, Texas. Prior roles included leading information technology and operations as well as engaging in the formation of HOPE Coffee and the Camino Global Foundation. Since 2010, Brian has led the HOPE Coffee team as they seek to serve high-quality coffee and use the profits to share the gospel. You can see the impact and learn more at

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Paul & Wendy Scheele
Manhattan, Kansas

Paul and Wendy Scheele serve as Cru missionaries at Kansas State University. Cru was originally founded as Campus Crusade for Christ in 1951 when Bill and Vonette Bright began the ministry on the UCLA campus. Cru has a number of outreach efforts duch as campus ministries, Athletes for Action, city ministries, and Cru Military.

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Sparrow Women’s Clinic
Leavenworth, Kansas

Sparrow Women’s Clinic is here to support you with care, compassion, and resources.  Our services are free, thanks to the generosity of individuals, businesses, and organizations.

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Doug & Mona Wedel
Magog, Canada

Doug and Mona formerly served in France and now are ministering to French speaking people in Quebec, Canada under Avant Ministries.  

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Paul & Beth Wright
Mendoza, Argentina

Paul and Beth have served with Avant Ministries since 1980.  They arrived in Argentina in 1983 and served in church planting ministries before becoming involved in their present ministries.

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John & Lisa Welkner
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

John serves as associate pastor at the Evangelical Christian Church of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. He oversees the adult education hour (Foundations) as well as the Pastoral Internship program. The church is a community of evangelical Christians in Dubai, brought together by a common faith in the gospel.

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